Tuesday, January 6, 2009

I Puffy Heart Photoshop!!!

So as you may have read in my previous post, we went to Stonehenge.  While we were there we asked one of the women on the tour with us to take our picture.  This was the only time during our trip that we handed our camera over to a complete stranger and the result was the picture below.  

It's us.  We're at Stonehenge.  But... where are the gigantic ancient rocks?  Oh, wait.. I sort of see them... back there... behind my head. 

So our kindly stranger offered to take another picture.  But rather than stepping to the side to get both us and the gigantic ancient rocks into frame, she tells us to bend down a bit to get them in the picture.  We were too polite and too cold to argue with her (plus, we were holding up the line of traffic), so we obligingly squatted down and the result was the picture below.

Hey, look!  It's us... hunching over at Stonehenge.  Umm... no.  Not good enough.  

So I took the original picture, where we don't look like we're suffering from severe back pain, and merged it with the picture below...

...and I got this...

I love photoshop!  :)

1 comment:

Yvonne said...

First of all, I am so jealous you've been to the UK! That is on my list of places to visit before I die. I should go - my great-grandparents emigrated to the States from Kent.

Secondly... I LOVE Photoshop too! It is the best software ever developed.... at least in my opinion it is!

Third, thanks for your comment on my blog - "How to Raise an Amazing Child the Montessori Way" has been on my amazon wish list since last summer - although I am grateful for the books I was given by my MIL for Christmas. It's funny, my friend who introduced me to Montessori told me to read "Montessori: A Modern Approach" by Paula Polk Lillard and not to read any of Dr. Montessori's actual books because they were so technical. But I really wanted to read about the origins of Montessori and the few Montessori books at our library are always checked out, so you take what you can get. The first Montessori book I read was "The Montessori Method" and that converted me to Dr. Montessori's philosophy more than any other book has. She was an amazing woman and I believe was divinely inspired to develop this method of learning.

Anyway... I'm definitely not a purist by any means - I did receive my B.S. in Interior Design after all - but I do love having the freedom to adapt her methods for our family.

I am definitely enjoy the current Montessori moments right now. Two weeks ago my son tried to sit on his little toilet when I got his diaper off (I followed Paula & Lynn's advice in Montessori from the Start) so I put him on it. Two days later he went pee in it! The next two days he went poo & pee in it! Then he didn't do anything for a whole week until Saturday until he went poo in it again. This morning he went pee.... so I am very excited he isn't fighting the toilet training. We use cloth diapers - but I know that 14 months is so early to toilet train in our society today. Anyway.... happy days for me - less poopy diapers I have to change or clean!