Friday, July 30, 2010

9 months!

This was the month that London learned that jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle bells ROCK!! He can't get enough of the bells! If it jingles, he wants it. If he gets it, he shakes it vigorously and then he sticks it in his mouth. He has several jingle-toys that he likes to play with, but the real jingle bells are the best! We've had to put some limits on the bells as a result. If we're not watching closely, he'll crawl around with a bell in his mouth like a lollipop. Too dangerous. So... when he plays the bells, he gets a pacifier. He doesn't normally have a pacifier outside of his room, so it's enough of a novelty, that he'll keep it in. If he keeps it in, he can't chew on the hard, metal jingle bell. He looks a little goofy crawling around the house with a jingle bell in each hand and a pacifier in his mouth, but he's having a ball.

He's also figured out how to pull himself up using the couch, chairs, baby gates, our legs, the bookshelf, and anything else that will hold still long enough. He has taken a few hesitant steps while holding onto the couch, but isn't really cruising just yet. At the rate he's going, I don't think it will be too long before he's walking.

And the biggest news of the month... drumroll, please! He sleeps! All night long! I stopped going in to "rescue" him every time he cried and he figured out that it was actually pretty easy to go back to sleep. If he does wake up, he might cry for 10 - 20 seconds, but that's it. He goes right back to sleep and wakes up well-rested in the morning. Yay!!

We've got his 9 month check-up a week from Monday (8-9-10 - how could I forget it?) and are looking forward to seeing how much he's grown.

The jingle bell has been sighted.

He reaches...

... stabilizes...

... grabs on...

... and pulls!

Almost there!


And what do we do with jingle bells?

We put them in our mouths of course!

Wanna share?

The bunny jingles...

... the frog jingles...

... and the giraffe jingles, too!

Nine months old... it's hard to believe...

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