Saturday, September 4, 2010

10 months!!

The birthday party plans are underway! I've got a test cake waiting to be frosted on the kitchen counter (I'm testing my frosting capabilities - Betty Crocker's cake has already been tested!) and a list of ideas that grows daily. We're only two short months away from the big oh-one! And no, I can't believe it.

Let's see... milestones from this month... more teeth are coming in... incisors, I think. He can stand for a couple of seconds at a time and cruises effortlessly around the house via anything that will hold his weight. He's mastered the waving thing and enjoys waving goodbye and (especially) hello at the window. It makes my heart melt to see that little smiling face grinning down at me from the living room window when I get home from work! So cute! He's also in the midst of his first cold. Not necessarily a milestone I was looking forward to, but it had to happen sooner or later.

We had a follow up doctor visit to recheck his weight from his 9 month check-up. She was very happy with his weight gain. He's definitely on a new growth curve (the tall/skinny one) and even though he's in the 13th percentile for weight, he stayed put (last month he was in the 14th) and gained 11 ounces. He still eats like a champ and is thoroughly enjoying the new and yummy world of dairy products. Peach yogurt is a strong contender to knock blueberries out of the Number One Favorite Food of All Time slot.

So, we're all good. London's happy, we're happy, life is pretty good right now.

I LOVE the camera!!

Mommy got me some new jeans. They make my knees more comfy
when I crawl around, but I won't be crawling around for much longer!

I said, "Don't touch the hair!"

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