Sunday, August 19, 2007

How do other people do it?

I don't understand. How do people keep up with blogs? I thought I'd give the blogging a try but it's been a week and I'm only now getting to my second (that's right... count 'em.. now there's two!) entry. I guess it would help if I was the kind of person who kept a diary. I've tried to be that kind of person and was success at one point in my life, but fear I am not the kind of person anymore. Considering that I found my aforementioned diary during our yard sale prep and read through it (oh, what a tragic life I had at the ripe old age of 20) that's probably a good thing.

So anyway, enough about that. Much has happened this week... some a little too personal to air on the open lines of internet communication, but the rest is fair game.

I got a new haircut! Find a recent picture of Victoria Beckham, undo the blonde, and you'll see my new do! My hairstylist, Heather, was funny. She asked what I wanted to do with my hair (it was already short, what were my options?) and when I said I wanted something different, but didn't know what that meant, she got all excited and said, "Posh Spice!" So now I have a rather sassy do. I'll have to have Pern take my picture later and post it in my next entry... so... six weeks from now when it's all grown out, you should be able to see it.

After several years of prodding (it's not easy being married to the commissioner of a fantasy football league) I finally got my fantasy football team started. Anyone who knows me knows how much I loathe football, so this should be interesting. The question is: Is it possible to win the championship if you just don't give a damn? Time will tell. Football. Fun.

We also spent the week anticipating Pern's birthday get-together. He calls it a birthday party, I call him "not 8 years old" but whatever... friends came over, we ate food, there was cake and candles. Call it what you will. We got many compliments on our grown-up living room. If I can figure out how to upload photographs, they will appear at the end of this entry. If not.. help me.

So what's in store for this week. Hmm... last week of summer camp before Teacher Work Week... a fun week of cleaning, cleaning, cleaning, and getting our ducks in a row before the little ducklings come back to school for another year of fun and learning. This summer has absolutely flown! Then I'm off to my parent's house to paint their living room and dining room. OK... let's see if I can figure out this photo thing...

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