Monday, May 26, 2008

My first harvest!

We just ate a salad with our dinner!!!  And the lettuce came from my garden!!!!  I grew it myself!!!  Can I hear a WOO HOO??!!!  Everything is growing so beautifully... I couldn't be happier.  It's just a matter of time before the WHOLE salad comes from my garden!  I have green beans climbing up the bean cage, cucumbers with flowers and teeny, tiny baby cucumbers coming in behind them, flowers on my tomato plant, which means tomatoes are just a short wait away, good lookin' carrot stalks... sigh.  I'm in gardener heaven.  The only thing I can't figure out (and I haven't really looked into it yet) is why my broccoli is flopping over.  Maybe it grows that way, I don't know.  But,  I don't think it looks right.  Anyhoo... here are the pictures to prove it:  I am a gardener.  And, knock on wood, the rabbits don't know it yet!

Green beans

Floppy broccoli 

Here comes the cucumber!


Tomatoes are on their way.

Mmmm... salad.  Even Pern ate some!


Dale said...

In the immortal words of . . . someone(?): "Can I has a Amen brutha?"


Karen said...
