Monday, June 30, 2008

There's a rock band in my living room...

So Pern got "Rock Band" for XBox360.  It comes with a "drum kit," a fake guitar, and a microphone.  The box should also come with a warning:

WARNING: Purchasing this product will result in the immediate dork-i-fication of the buyer and their friends and family who participate in a pseudo rock concert.  Buyer's wives may be forced to play "Rock Band" against their will, despite their insistence that they have never actually played guitar and don't know who the "Yeah, Yeah, Yeahs" are.  Buyers should also be aware that:

1) "rockin' out" to a video game does not qualify you for a real "world tour" and...

2)  Metallica is not looking for a new drummer.   Seriously.  Give it up.

OK... so I'm being a little mean.  Pern got this game on Friday, we "rocked out" on Friday and Saturday and now (Monday) his friend Dave came over after work and I was arm-twisted into playing despite my protests.  "C'mon!!  You have to play!! We're getting the band back together, man!!"  That was Dave.  Who, by the way can play some mean fake drums.  So with me on guitar (playing in "easy" mode - I know very little about guitars, but I can hit the green, red, and yellow buttons on the fake guitar with the best of 'em!), Dave on drums, and Pern on vocals, we had a mini rock concert in our living room.  

The neighbors must love us now!

Rock on!

1 comment:

Pern said...

Wait! Wait! Wait! You were the one that kicked Dave out of the band before we even started the first song! Then went on to play 7-8 songs with us and SING on one of them! Oh, we were really twisting your arm and forcing you to have a fun time. :) BTW "Rock" Band practice is at 8:30pm tonight. Don't be late!