Saturday, July 19, 2008

In defense of my garden...

So Dale's (my sister's) comment to my July 11 post about my green beans needs an appropriate response.  So here it is... 

My little garden has been quite productive lately.  I've picked at least 15 cucumbers (!!! - good thing everyone I know likes cucumbers!), 3 tomatoes (tomatoes are apparently not my strong suite, but they were uber-tasty!), and a bushel (Yes- JOE!  A real bushel!!  All 2 pounds of it!) of green beans!  Suburban- bushel my ass!  I am tempted to pull up one of my (many!) beautiful carrots, drive to NC, and whack you over the head with it!  

How dare you insult my garden!  Mmmph!


1 comment:

Dale said...

There was no insulting in my post; in case you neglected to read the last part, I was asking you to remember what you did so I could ask for advice! If we were insulting, I'd say I should probably stock up on veggie growing books so to be sure I knew the correct way to grow green beans rather than rely on my unproductive sister for advice.

So, take your bushel and go play with Peter Rabbit! :)