Saturday, April 25, 2009

My garden has ballz!

When I woke up this morning, the deck looked like this:

And my garden (I'm ashamed to admit), looked like this:

See these pretty flowers?  WEEDS!  Gasp!  Turns out you can't just ignore an open patch of soil for several months and expect it to be ready for spring without a little work.  Who knew?

Sigh.  My pretty birdhouse did not fair so well exposed to the elements (as one would think a birdhouse would do - what with birds living outside and all!):

Even the "under the deck" area was a mess:

But after a couple of hours of weeding, digging, moving, dragging, and rearranging...

The deck looks like this:  (hmmm.. some flowers might look nice)

And my garden looks like this:

My plan is to plant cucumbers, lettuce, green beans, potatoes, and tomatoes this year.  Last year's broccoli was a huge disappointment and the carrots were frustratingly slow growers.  See that little patch over on the left?  That used to have some containers in it, but the master plan worked!  Beneath the mulch and layer of weed-blocker fabric, I was waiting for the grass to die!  It's dead and so now I can plant something in it!  Good thing my garden has ballz!
Wild Flower Seed Ballz, that is!!  Ha ha!

Lay them on the ground, water 'em, and watch 'em grow!  Let's see what develops, shall we?

Oh!  And I also cleaned out the "under the deck" area.  

Now if I could just get Pern to help me move some rather heavy containers and a large bag of potting soil up onto the deck, that'd be great!  Then I'll buy some purdy flowers and make the deck look extra special.  

If I can talk him into mowing the grass, that'd be even better!  ;-)

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