Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The first (sort of) belly shot...

So this isn't exactly an accurate belly shot for several reasons:

1)  I'm not really "showing" yet... just a little puffier than normal with no space in  my abdominal cavity in which to suck my puffiness.  Of course, by the end of most days, and following a decent meal (which is when we took this picture), I have a good sized "food baby" to be proud of, but it's gone by the morning.

2)  I'm wearing a maternity shirt, which make a girl look, well, pregnant.

3)  I'm at a funny angle and the shirt is billowy and pouffy, so the silhouette is not accurate.

But we took it for one good reason...

14 weeks

We were at a wedding and I was wearing one of the two shirts that I hope will see me through a summer of weddings with an expanding belly.  Our last wedding before the baby arrives (hopefully before - no early babies, please) is three weeks before my due date.  I want to wear the same outfit to that wedding and take the same picture.  I think it will be funny to see a side by side comparison a few months from now.

Well... I think it's funny now.  Let's see how I feel come October.  

This weekend, we're doing our first maternity photo shoot for my former co-worker who is due in June.  Now, she'll have a real belly to show off!


susan solo said...

So cute! I can't wait to see the "after" (before) picture!

Dale said...

After hearing of your Chipotle habits, I think you should track the burrito bump too! :)

Linnea Marie said...

Are you ready to have people touch the belly yet? I get the creeps just thinking about that. I wonder if there's a way from stopping people from thinking it's okay to touch. Love the photo! You look great. :)