Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Bath Time = Relaxed Baby

London loves to take a bath.  He doesn't really enjoy the lead-in to bath time (taking off his clothes and diaper leaves him cold and a little uncertain) and he doesn't really enjoy the last part of bath time (taking him out of the warm water leaves him cold and mad as hell), but he enjoys the actual bath time itself!

We have a "Spa Baby" bath tub, which we (and he) love!  It is designed to allow the water to cover babies up to their chest in water so they don't get cold.  I do have to do a "preliminary wash" of his bits and pieces before putting him in the tub (it's a little tricky to clean down there when he's sitting on it), but it's not a big deal.  That should get easier as he gets older and is able to hold his head up and balance better.  I'll be able to lift him with one hand/arm and wash with the other; right now the whole balancing act involved makes me a little nervous.

Until then, I will keep a hand under his chin and conduct bath time one-handed!

London is quite comfy sitting in his tub...

... and is always alert during bath time!

Time to get out of the tub, London!

Aww, Mom!  Do I have to??

Bath Time = Relaxed Baby  :)

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