Sunday, May 16, 2010

Better late than never! - Six months!

I know we'll be ready for a "seven months" picture in just a couple of weeks, but I've got to get the six month picture in before that happens. Yes, we took it at the six month mark, but life is busy and I just haven't got around to posting it yet.... so without further delay...

He's growing so fast!! He weighs about 17 pounds and is about 27 inches long. He eats pretty much everything we put in front of him (except for bananas... not a fan) and is more or less sleeping through the night. He makes us laugh every day and continues to amaze us with how much he seems to understand, how much he is learning, and how much we love him! It never gets old. We waited a really long time for this little guy and knowing now how good it feels to be his parents, we'd do it all over again. He is absolutely amazing and so completely worth the wait.

And now... because I want to and because I can... more pictures!

Sigh... what a sweetheart. :D

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