Sunday, May 30, 2010

Only 7 months old and already camping!

This weekend marked my school's 3rd annual family camping trip and our 1st annual family camping trip! This is my pet project at school... a few years ago I decided it would be fun to take 20+ families to a cabin campground about an hour from home for two days, stuff them full of yummy food, give them arts and crafts to create, games to play, and marshmallows to roast, and then send them home with some seriously dirty laundry and in desperate need of a nap! Everyone thought I was crazy (and maybe I was/am), but it has now been a success three times over and it was so much fun to bring London this time around!

Last year I was pregnant during the trip and everyone kept saying, "Oh... I guess there won't be a camping trip next year, huh? You're not going to want to do this with a baby!" Wrong. I would rather do it with a baby than a toddler! Next year we'll tackle the toddler phase, but taking London along was really pretty easy. We're pretty sure he'll be crawling in a week or two, so the timing couldn't have been better... he hung out in his stroller, in his carrier (on me!), or in someone's arms all weekend! He showed everyone his funny face, got to go to two campfires, ate packaged baby food for the first time (it's been home cookin' until now), and wore disposable diapers (gasp!). He had one mini meltdown after being passed around a bit too much and losing sight of Mom and Dad, but was a dream baby the rest of the time. We couldn't have asked for an easier weekend.

The only downside to planning the trip and having to be "on" all weekend: no down time to take pictures! We made a point to get our 7 month picture in, though! All in all it was a fun weekend! Busy, busy, busy... but the 6:00 snuggle in my sleeping bag this morning (following the 5:00 a.m. chirping bird wake-up call) more than made up for it! Nothing like being loved on by a smiling baby to get your day off to a good start! We're already looking forward to next year! Might have to enlist the grandparents to come camping with us... extra hands, extra eyes, extra everything for the toddler on the go! We've only got a year to get ready!

Highlights from this month: two teeth!

Pern and I are wearing our school camping trip t-shirts. It's hard to tell...

... but the outfit L received as a gift the day before we left...

... say's "Happy Camper!"

Which is exactly what he was!

"Funny face" comin' atcha!

And in sequence...

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