Saturday, July 4, 2009

I was SEW productive yesterday!!

Look what I made yesterday:

I pulled out my sewing machine to finish a project I'd been working on (more on that later) and decided to get to some other mini projects that I'd been meaning to do for a while.  You see, I had these two flannel sheets that I'd been saving to make some baby blankets out of.  I'd gotten rid of the rest of the sheet sets a couple of years ago, but kept the flat sheets 'cause they're just so darn cute.  So I started tearing them up and ended up with...
2 thick receiving blankets (double sided)
2 thin receiving blankets (single sided)
6 burp cloths

The two thicker blankets are nice and warm..

... and neatly hemmed.

The two lighter weight blankets have a torn/frayed edge.

And the diaper cloths were super fun to make!

Four of them are padded in the center and have a frayed edge...

... and the other two are thinner, with no center padding.  One has a hemmed edge and one is frayed.

But the main reason I pulled out the sewing machine was to finish this:

It's a baby blanket that I made out of one of the curtains that hung in Pern's bedroom when he was a baby!  Isn't it cute!?  Pern's sister found the curtains while going through some boxes at the house in Indiana and set them aside for us when we went to visit P's dad in April.  My mom helped me unpick the curtainy scrunchy thing at the top and went with me to Jo-Ann Fabrics to pick out the warm, fleecy, backing fabric.  A little stitching around the pictures and a quick hem job and voila!  

No, we're not doing a Winnie-the-Pooh nursery.  Not even close.  But Pooh was just too cute (and sentimental) to pass up!

Fun plans for the 4th:  we've got Joe, Renee, and the kids coming over for dinner and Wii.  And then we're going to head into Leesburg for the fireworks display at Ida Lee Park.  I'm taking the camera and I'm going to try to get some good pictures of the fireworks.  Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Dale said...

Very nice! I wish I knew how to sew!