Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Total Garage Makeover!

Anyone who knows us, knows that we (well - mostly Pern) have stuff.  

A lot of stuff.  

No, seriously... too much stuff!

And that up until now a lot of that stuff had to stay in our garage.  And it multiplied.  And some of it got Ebayed and some of it got thrown away and the rest of it multiplied.  And boxes came to live in our garage and unused furniture, too.  And then they multiplied.  And all of my school materials (hmm... OK... I guess I do have stuff of my own) had to leave the garage to make way for more stuff.  

And eventually (Karen hangs head in shame) our garage looked like this:

But amazing things happen when you find out you're having a baby!  You realize that with babies, comes stuff.  More stuff.  And you realize that you need a place to put all that stuff.  And a place to put the baby.  Preferably a bedroom.  But in order to make that happen, you need to move your school stuff out of the spare room and back into the garage to make space for the guest room so that the guest room can become the baby's room.  But that means you need to make space in the garage, which up until now has been full of stuff.  

So you sort, you clean, you toss, you Ebay, you rearrange, reorganize, and revamp.  And then your garage looks like this:

And your school materials look like this:

And you have this thing called "open floor" that you never had before:

And you're so proud of yourselves.  And you still have a lot to do - because all that "stuff to Ebay" had to go back into the garage (it's only temporary!!) but you know that it will be gone soon.  And your school stuff is ACCESSIBLE!!!  Because that's the one request you made when you started this process.  And your wonderful husband (who did 99% of the lifting, hauling, moving, tossing, and rearranging without a word of complaint) has promised you that it will stay that way.

And now you have an empty bedroom that will become a guest room.  And a guest room that will become a baby's room.  And a little extra space in your garage for more stuff.  :D

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