Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Hurry up and wait!

I'm bored.  I think I have officially done everything I can do to prepare for the baby.  His bedroom is done, decorated, and ready.  His clothes are washed, dried, folded, and stored.  Our bedroom has a pack 'n play, changing station, diapers, wipes, and clothes.  The swing is put together, the stroller is built, and the car seat is (properly) installed.  The suitcase is packed and waiting by the door.  The house is clean, the bathroom is freshly scrubbed, the freezer is stocked, the fridge is full, and everything is in it's place.  

So now what?  We get out of the house every day, even if it's just to go to Costco to buy Halloween candy (that would be today's agenda) or Michael's to be inspired (I painted a very bad picture on Sunday afternoon).  But that doesn't change the fact that 95% of my time is spent hanging around the house not doing much of anything.

I knew when I stopped working 2 weeks before my due date that I was more likely to have the baby late than early.  Most first babies are late.  I knew that I was facing 2 or more weeks of sitting around the house, but I was ready to stop working and considering that we (school) had our first case of swine flu confirmed on my last day, I think I stopped just in time.  

So here I sit: blogging out of boredom.  Waiting for Pern to come home from his skating lesson so we can go to Costco.  Waiting for contractions to start.  Waiting for my water to break.  Waiting for my life to change.  Sigh...

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