Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Yeah.. that one was me

So we're sitting here on the couch.  I've got the laptop in (what else?) my lap and Pern is watching the game.  I'm checking my email, wandering around my regular sites, and the Caps/Flyers game is on.  This is the BIG game.  Game 7.  The last chance game.  It's about 2 minutes in and Pern says to me (jokingly, but quite serious) "OK, you can start blogging at any time."  

Is he really serious?  Yes.  Unfortunately, he is.  

Here's the problem:  My life is not exciting enough to blog my way through 3 more rounds of hockey.  That's a possibility of 21 games.  That's a lot of blogging about nothing.  I'll be the Seinfeld of bloggers.  Who wants to read that?

So anyway... not to add fuel to the fire, but I decided to humor the boy and type a little something.  No sooner had I opened my blog however (my mouse was literally hovering over the "sign in " link) than the Caps scored.  This is not what I needed.  That's right: we now have "proof".

Pern leaps to his feet, claps his hands together with one of those claps that's more of a "CRACK" and yells, "YOU JUST HAD TO GO THERE!!! YOU JUST HAD TO GO THERE!! YOU DIDN'T EVEN BLOG!  YOU JUST HAD TO GO THERE!!!" 

Well, now that I know that, I'm off the hook for the rest of the Cup, right?  No blogging necessary, I just have to go there.   :)

1 comment:

Pern said...

2-2 at the end of 2 periods! LET'S GO KAREN!!! BLOG SOME MORE!!! (clap, clap) LET'S GO KAREN!!! BLOG SOME MORE!!! (clap, clap)