Friday, April 11, 2008

Go Caps!

So I'm sitting next to a VERY excited Caps fan, who literally leapt to his feet after the game-winning goal! Yes, the Caps are in the playoffs (in case you didn't hear) and Pern is one happy guy!  I don't know how to describe the game in hockey-lingo, but they weren't doing well, were down by a few points (3?), and came back to win it 5-4.  I was working on the Blue Square blog, while P watched the game.  I'm pretty sure that's what happened.  :)  Not a sports buff, can you tell?

So anyway...

Spring has sprung! Our neighborhood looks like it was invaded by giant marshmallows 'cause the cherry trees are all a-bloom!  Pern took a couple of pictures the other day... ain't they purdy?

Not the most exciting weekend ahead of me, but should be a good one all the same... Nothing on the agenda but a little house cleaning, a little gardening (if the weather cooperates) and a little hockey.  Chili for dinner tomorrow.  Yum.  Leftover Easter ham (don't worry - it's been in the freezer) for dinner on Sunday.  Um.  Yum?  Have a good weekend!

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